Starbuck Singapore recently launched 2 new Frappuccino drinks and they look absolutely out of the world – literally!

The Fantasy Tail Frappuccino®(S$8.50) is a dreamy and pastel-centered blended beverage that “magically” combines two wildly-flavoured tropical fruits, namely red dragon fruits and mangoes. Topped with fluffy whipped cream, glittery sapphire blueberry sugar sprinkles and even a pink chocolate mermaid tail, this fairy tale drink will surely take you “under the sea” to “a whole new world”(if you get the Disney references)!

The Choco-choco Nutty Frappuccino(S$8.50) is every chocolate lover’s dream beverage. Indulge in Starbucks’ signature Frappuccino® Roast blended with velvety chocolate hazelnut sauce and to top it off, rich mocha whipped cream and heaps of crunchy almond nuts!
These two new drinks are available for a limited time only at all Starbucks outlets, from 10 June 2020 onwards!