Having trouble with grooming your pet’s fur, or can’t deal with all the pet dander and fur flying around as you brush your pet? Kiss these pet grooming woes goodbye with the brand new Pet Grooming Kit ($99) from Dyson!

This unique pet grooming tool makes brushing your pet’s fur (medium to long-haired) a total breeze. It’s easy and convenient to use, simply attach the tool to your existing Dyson machine and brush your pet’s hair using the flexible angled bristles. The intuitive tool captures loose hair as you brush, so you won’t have to worry about loose fur or dander flying around. The tool is also self-cleaning, and sucks tangled hair from the bristles straight into the vacuum’s bin!

The kit includes a pet groom tool, extension hose and quick-release adaptor. The Pet Grooming Kit is compatible with the following Dyson vacuums:
- Dyson V15 Detect™
- Dyson V12 Detect Slim™
- Dyson Outsize™
- Dyson Digital Slim™
- Dyson V11™
- Dyson Cyclone V10™
- Dyson V8™
- Dyson V7™