So you think you’ve got a good tolerance level for all things spicy? Wait till you try ghost pepper, the bad boy of the chilli world and said to be the hottest pepper in the world. From instant noodles to potato chips, here are some of the best ghost pepper-laden snacks to push your senses to the limit.
1. Mystery Mamee Ghost Pepper Spicy Snack

There was a time when we had to source through bags of Mamee packets just to lay our hands on the brand’s elusive ghost pepper snack, but not anymore. This former extremely rare snack is now available readily on Shopee for $1.50 a pack and $6 for five. Unlike its regular instant noodle-coloured counterpart, this ghost pepper version is black with hints of red. Watch our verdict of it!
2. Daebak Ghost Pepper Dry Black Noodles

We’ve seen spicy noodle challenges everywhere — challenge yourself with this ghost pepper version by Korean brand Daebak. It’s allegedly so spicy that even those who regularly consume spicy food find it too much. For reference, it hits above 1,000,000 Scoville heat units (SHU) — about ten times more than chilli padi. The only way to find out if it’s true is to try it. Available on Shopee for $5 a pack.

3. Mister Potato x Daebak Ghost Pepper Chips
If noodles are too much of a hassle and you’d like to conquer the infamous ghost pepper challenge without much prep, try Mister Potato’s latest release with Daebak. This product is essentially a potato chips version of the black noodles above, but don’t assume it’ll be any less damaging. Our colleagues who tried this felt the impact only after eating two pieces, and the fastest person to finish the entire small can took 3 minutes 45 seconds. Think you can do better? Get yours from 7-Eleven for $1.80!
4. Wise Cottage Fries

Many might not have heard of Wise Cottage Fries, but this Malaysian snack brand also has their own version of ghost pepper chips that’s equally guaranteed to pack a punch. In fact, Wise Cottage is likely the first potato chip brand in Malaysia to introduce the ghost pepper flavour, right after Mamee. They also have another spicy alternative: chilli padi crisps. While this brand is not available at local supermarkets, you may get it online for $3 a pack.

5. Mala Ghost Pepper

Mala and ghost pepper, anyone? These chips that are highly raved about in China combine the already spicy mala with added ghost pepper — even the chillies are grilled for an extra fiery kick! There’s also a warning label that states you shouldn’t attempt the chips if you can’t take spicy food. Challenge accepted! Get yours for $8.90 a pack.