Receiving a bouquet of fresh flowers is always lovely, except when the flowers start to wither after a couple of days. If you’re looking to gift some flowers for a special occasion, save this one-of-a-kind florist that makes flowers that literally last forever!

Rose Garden Bouquet, $39.90

Pinky Promise Bouquet, $59.90

Rose Garden Bouquet, $39.90

The Block Bouquets is unlike any other florist in Singapore, and they make custom “LEGO” flower bouquets—the first ever in the world! As the name suggests, these unique flower bouquets feature realistic “flowers” that are made entirely from LEGO-esque bricks.

The LEGO-like bouquets are everlasting, even down to the “leaves” and baby’s breath filler flowers used! Now you won’t have to worry about the flowers ever wilting or withering, and you can keep them on display forever.

Rose Garden Bouquet, $39.90

Each Block Bouquet is assembled by hand, and fully customisable, from the flower type, colour, wrapping and ribbon! Flower options available include roses, tulips, daisies and violets, among others.

Hello Kitty Bouquet, $53.90

Prices for custom bouquets start from an affordable $23.90, with more complex designs costing up to $99. You can even opt to add on an adorable mini Sanrio plushie, fairy lights, gift cards or bears from $4.90! Browse and shop The Block Bouquets’ range of Basic, Standard and Deluxe bouquets here.
The Block Bouquets